Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XII Lok Sabha


Father's Name Shri Kisan Rao Date of Birth 15 September 1939 Place of Birth Savargaon, Distt. Nasik (Maharashtra) Marital Status Married on 21 May 1962 Spouse's Name Smt. Lilavati Children Two sons and one daughter Educational Qualifications B.Sc. (Engineering), M.Sc.(Chemical Engineering) and ANSI Sugar Technology Educated at Poona University, Pune (Maharashtra), Louisiana State University (U.S.A.) and N.S.I., Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) Profession Consulting Engineer, Technologist, Social Worker and Farmer Permanent Address Chalisgaon, Distt. Jalgaon-425001 (Maharashtra) Tels. (02589) 23423, 24934 Present Address 206, North Aveune, New Delhi - 110001 Tel. (011) 3794580 Positions Held 1996Elected to 11th Lok Sabha 1998Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (2nd term) 1998-99Member, Committee on Subordinate Legislation Member, Committee on Industry Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Coal Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments Contributed articles in various magazines, newspapers and publications
Special Interests  

Social, educational and technical fields

Countries Visited  

Brazil, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A.

Other Information  

Chairman, (i) Belganga Cooperative Sugar Mill, 1977-92; and 
(ii) Gramin Vikas Pratisthan Chalisgaon, Distt. Jalgaon since 
1977; Vice-President (i) Deccan Sugar Technology Associations 
for two years; and (ii) All India Sugar Technology Association,
Kanpur for two years; Director, District Cooperative Bank, Jalgaon
since  1991; Member, (i) Sugar Industry Development Council; and 
(ii) Central Council for Cooperation

Election Result of Erandol Lok Sabha Constituency
Total electorate 10,59,006 Total votes polled 5,66,264 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates (1) Shri Annasaheb Patil (B.J.P.) 2,86,178 (2) Shri Vijay Naval Patil (I.N.C.) 2,61,342 (3) Shri Malojirao Suklal Baviskar (Ind.) 2,408 (4) Smt Mirabai Pushpsing Patil (Ind.) 1,763
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